Quick cook Balti Biryani curry

Ingredients: Rice, Tin of tomatoes, curry paste, medium onion, green pepper, 2 medium carrots, green beans and cauliflower, ginger

Serves 2


This dish is very similar to the hot pepper sauce rice recipe, but the purpose of this is to make a quick Balti style Biryani instead.

Cook some rice and set aside, please make sure the rice is not sticky as you will need to have fairly loose grains when you mix the rice with the sauce.

Fry the diced onion and ginger for a few minutes.

Next add some cauliflower florets and a chopped green pepper and dice carrot.

Add a spoon or two of pre-made curry paste and stir through and avoid burning. Add a little of water in case the heat is too high.

Next add the tin of tomatoes and bring to a boil then simmer. Taste the curry as you go, and add some curry powder and/or ground coriander as appropriate.

Cook some green beans on the side and add to the dish near the end.

Finally, empty the cooked rice into a large saucepan and then start to spoon the vegetable curry to the mix. You want a consistency of the rice coated in curry sauce, rather than rice swimming in a pool of curry

Finish with a generous portion of coriander  and a couple of slices of very ripe tomatoes.

assorted spices near white ceramic bowls
Photo by Mareefe on Pexels.com

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