Sausage, apple and butternut squash tray bake with honey mustard glaze

Ingredients: Linda mcartney sausages, sage or rosemary, garlic cloves, butternut squash, apple (red, hopefully)


On a baking tray add the following; A packet of the linda mcartney veg sausages, with a few cloves of garlic, diced butternut squash ( can be frozen) and large slices of apple.

Add the glaze of ; cider vinegar, olive oil, Mustard, Balsamic vinegar and honey mixed and drizzled over the veg and sausages

cook for around 20 minutes until veg and sausages are cooked, stir / shake half way through.

Serve with mixed salad with balasamic dressing ( 3 parts olive oil to around 1 parts balsamic vinegar)

I forgot to take a photo of the dish so hence the stock photo.
