Hot pepper sauce rice

Ingredients: Rice, Tin of tomatoes, Hot pepper sauce, medium onion, celery, green pepper, 2 medium carrots

Serves 2


Start by cooking some rice and getting ready it for the end of the dish. You need enough rice for 2 portions. Make sure the rice you when cooked is not sticky, as you need the grains to be separated and loose

Chop and dice a medium onion and fry for a few minutes.

Next add 2 stalks of sliced celery, with a 2 finely diced carrots and a green pepper. Cook for a further a few minutes.

Next add the tin of tomatoes and bring to an almost boil then simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Half way through add little hot sauce. Also add a little then add more to taste. Start with a teaspoon then add more.

The hot pepper mixture is cooked when the green peppers are soft. You could add seasoning if you need to.

Finally, empty the cooked rice into a large saucepan then start to spoon the tomato mixture to the mix. You want a consistency of rice coated in the hot sauce, rather than rice swimming in a pool of hot sauce.

Finish with either a dash of lime and fresh corriander