Red lentil pasta and mushroom bologense

Ingredients: Red lentil pasta, mushrooms, onion, veg stock, tomato puree, salt, pepper, italian dried herbs, basil, italian hard cheese, garlic, red lentils

Preparation: chop and dice a couple of cloves of garlic and a medium onion and saute for around 5-7 mins until soft then set a side. Next add some olive oil to the pan and when hot, add around 3 tablespoons of tomato puree. Warning this will splatter when placed in the oil. Stir the puree around then add the garlic and onion mixture. Add a a little water to make sure the start of the sauce is not too dry.

Next add some chopped mushrooms to the sauce and add a little more water and a stock cube. Keep stirring and cook for around 10-15 minutes until you have your desired consistnecy. Add some italian dried herbs and some seasoning. You can add a handful of red lentils at this stage if you want a little more body and bite.

Serve with some red lentil pasta, fresh chopped basil and some grated italian hard cheese.




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