Paneer curry

As with almost everything I cook here, it’s usually the first time I am doing it and today was the first time I have made a curry for Jane. It’s not very difficult but looks complicated due to the amount prep and spices used. However, it is pretty much a one pot dish where you add things in as you go.

Ingredients, basmati rice, 2 medium onions, a few garlic cloves, a chunk of ginger, 3 medium tomatoes, handful of cashews, 2 tbsp garam Masala, 2 tbsp corriander powder, 2 bay leaves, 1 tbsp fenugreek spice, 2 green finger chillies, 1tbsp of red chilli powder, a good squeeze of tomato puree, a packet of paneer (220g) 150ml single cream, half small cup of milk and half small cup of water.

Blend the onions and garlic into a paste.

Soak the cashews for 10/15 mins in some water.

Blanch the tomatoes and blitz in a mixer to make a sauce.

Fry the onion paste in oil for 5 mins. Careful of splattering as there is quite a bit of water in the paste.

Add the cashews paste and continue to heat for a couple of minutes.

Add the Masala, corriander, chilli powders.

Add the blender tomatoes and cook for 3 minutes or so.

Add the fresh sliced chilli and continue to heat for 4 minutes

Add the bay leaf and the milk and water. Keep stirring. Add a little tomato puree if necessary

All the time you should be getting a Masala style slightly thick sauce but not a runny gravy. You should not see any water in the dish.

Add the fenugreek and drop the funded paneer in. Continue to cook for 5 minutes.

If you have been tasting from about half way through, you should have a good balance of flavour and heat. Remember when add the cream you will get a smoother taste and will calm down any heat you may have added.

When about to serve with rice, remove from heat and stir in the cream. Job done.

We also had some shop bought starters to go with our meal too, which was a little piggy but very nice.

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